Crackernuts is an upcoming narrative game being developed for the Nintendo Switch by Hairy Heart Games. The game is based on a Scottish fairytale and centers around a goat-headed girl and her sister, a no-bodied head, as they look to find themselves and rescue their village from a curse of darkness.
The story follows the two sisters as they run a struggling bookshop in a land that has fallen into darkness, with no one reading anymore. The player will make choices during the game that impact the characters' interactions and the unfolding of the narrative. A cast of live actors have been motion captured and mapped onto hand-made puppets to create a unique, one-of-a-kind storytelling experience.
Key features of Crackernuts include:
- Unique fairytale narrative inspired by Scottish folklore
- Beautiful hand-made characters and sets
- Fully motion captured performances by a stellar cast of actors
- A "feature length" experience that can be completed in a single sitting
- Ability to make choices that affect the characters and story
While an exact release date has not been announced, Crackernuts is currently in development for the Nintendo Switch. The game's developers, Hairy Heart Games, are based in Scotland and have a deep passion for adapting strange and interesting folktales into interactive experiences. With its blend of narrative, puppetry, and player choice, Crackernuts promises to offer a distinctive and immersive gaming experience for Switch owners.
Narrative game Crackernuts in development for Switch
Crackernuts, a narrative-focused game with a hand-made art style, is now in development for Nintendo Switch.