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Gaming Monster Hunter Wilds Open Beta: Release Date & Release Times For Xbox Series X|S



Staff member

The Monster Hunter Wilds open beta will be available on the following dates and times:

- PlayStation 5:
- PlayStation Plus early access: October 28 at 8pm PDT through October 30 at 7:59pm PDT
- Regular access: October 31 at 8pm PDT through November 3 at 6:59pm PDT

- Xbox Series X|S:
- October 31 at 8pm PDT through November 3 at 6:59pm PDT

- Windows PC via Steam:
- October 31 at 8pm PDT through November 3 at 6:59pm PDT


The open beta will allow players to create their character, including the Hunter and Palico, and transfer that data to the full game at launch. It will also include a story trial with the opening cutscene and a Catacabra hunt, as well as a separate Doshaguma Hunt. Cross-play support is included across the platforms.


Participants in the open beta will receive a special decorative pendant for their weapons or Seikret mount, as well as a helpful item pack for the full game release.


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