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Minecraft Dungeons Save / Character File Sharing (PC)



Staff member
Hello All. I have decided to start this thread since nothing like it exists on the internet. I have noticed many people's save files being lost do to the fact it is saved locally instead of on the cloud. For example, I lost my level 105 character when my power went out while I was playing.

To share a saved file or use a saved file, simply access 1 of the following locations on your PC:


or C:\Users\[YourUserName]\AppData\Local\Dungeons\[Numbers]\Characters

Zip your .dat file and post your file in this thread along with a comment with any defining features of your character such as character level or power level.

Paste the .dat files in the previously mentioned locations and launch Minecraft Dungeons to play your new character!

I have attached an example of a level 42 / power level 20 character.


  • 4C0DD37F4D3097E0B0BD98B18C89080E.zip
    5 KB · Views: 67

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