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Hardware MARS FPGA Will Let You Use Your Original Carts And Support Legacy AV Connections


The team behind the MARS FPGA project has just revealed new information about the promising retro gaming platform.

The biggest bombshell is that the console will allow you to use your original carts thanks to interchangeable modules, very much like the Polymega – with the obvious difference being that it will do so via FPGA emulation rather than software emulation. This update has required the team to completely redesign the console's physical case.

The modules will have their own controller ports, so you'll be able to use your original pads and accessories as well.


The team claims that this is "not just an FPGA, but a proper memory architecture with a total focus on playing retro games. It's going to be very different from anything that is available right now."

It has also been revealed that MARS will support a bunch of legacy AV connections, including S-video, Component, and RGB.


There will also be support for JAMMA arcade boards.

As for an estimated launch window, the MARS team says they will have a better idea of that "in the next 6-8 weeks."


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