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LVGL v9.1 on Nintendo switch



Staff member
For people who want to create applications for Nintendo Switch. I present the ported LVGL in the latest version for Nintendo Switch.
Anyone who knows LVGL knows how easy and pleasant it is to create UI at squareline

Anyone who has tried to create applications for a switch knows how difficult it is to create a GUI. That's why many great apps still use text-based versions or simple ugly UIs.

LVGL allows you to use SquareLine or similar programs to create UI via drag & drop.

Currently, SDL acceleration is not supported in the main LVGL repository, but I saw that there is a PR on github that fixes this bug. So soon we will be able to create beautiful UIs even at 60FPS.

Plus LVGL have a lot of great libraries to support BMP JPEG PNG GIF FreeFont QRCode FFmpeg and filesystems.

Zrzut ekranu 2024-08-2 o 14.51.54.png


Zrzut ekranu 2024-08-2 o 15.11.54.png

Zrzut ekranu 2024-08-2 o 15.16.24.png


Without acceleration 14 FPS, but when I tested with acceleration it was 60 FPS without any problems.

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