LEGO Horizon Adventures is shaping up to be an exciting and well-executed adaptation of the Horizon franchise into the LEGO universe. The game takes the core elements of the Horizon games - the open world, combat, and narrative - and reimagines them through a charming, humorous LEGO lens.
The preview highlights several standout aspects of LEGO Horizon Adventures:
- The game captures the look and feel of the Horizon world remarkably well, with environments made entirely of LEGO bricks that still manage to feel faithful to the original games. The level of detail in the LEGO elements is impressive.
- The story and characters have been given a lighter, more comedic treatment, with Aloy's voice actress Ashly Burch bringing a delightfully silly and naive take on the character. The preview suggests the game will have plenty of meta-humor and slapstick moments.
- The gameplay retains the core combat and exploration of Horizon, with Aloy using her bow and focus abilities to take down robotic enemies. However, the systems have been streamlined and made more accessible, particularly for younger players.
- Co-op play seems to be a major focus, allowing players to team up and take on challenges together in a very natural, complementary way.
Overall, LEGO Horizon Adventures appears to strike a great balance - it stays true to the spirit of the Horizon games while infusing the experience with the signature LEGO charm and humor. It looks like it could be an excellent entry point for younger players to experience the Horizon world, while also providing an entertaining spin on the franchise for longtime fans.