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Nintendo SWITCH Cheat Codes Download

Kirby and the Forgotten Land



Staff member
[Kirby and the Forgotten Land (Demo) v0 TID=010091201605A000 BID=3C5F1E198A79FBA2]

040E0000 006704F8 2A1F03EA

[Invincible off]
040E0000 006704F8 B940014A
Here with a short tutorial on unknown search with EdizonSE

Normally, 2 kinds of variable types would be used.
They are u32(unsign integer) and s32(single float)

This example is u32.

There is a HP bar on the top left corner

For getting an efficient and accurate result,
I need to guess the range of the real value the developer used.
I believe it lies between 0 to 10000


So, on the first search, press R and set the config to [u32] / [A..B] / [Heap] (you may use Heap/Main)
The key is using A..B, not unknown, otherwise, you will got too many results


There are only 12795233 possible addresses (not 3GB dump data)

Go to the game and make damage to Kirby

and then make the second search,
searching with -- (just press D-pad right),

There are only 12172 possibles now

Since Kirby's HP is limited, we cannot make so many damage to it.
So, you go back to the game and then search again with [SAME] (i.e. D-pad UP) immediately
Here is the third search

The possible addresses were reduce to 3892 now

Go back to the game and make Kirby hurt once more.

The fourth search with [--] again

There are 79 possibles now

Once more with [SAME]

On the 5th search, there are 26 results left.

Back to the game and make some movement, and then search again

The 6th search

Only 2 results are out,
And the first one 1700 seems to be a correct value

I make some change on it, set to a large value e.g. 2500
and examine it in the game

it hits, the HP increased after Kirby hurt


This is the end of this tutorial

You can use this address Heap+64672E40
- on GDB, and make breakpoint and found the code to ignore the damage procedure.
- or on pointer searcher, to freeze the HP with Cheat VM (however, this is a 2-player game, and you need to find out the second pointer by this way)

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