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RELEASE Homebrew kezplez-nx v1.0 : Get all your keys, straight from your switch!



Staff member

v1.0: Initial Release
v1.1: Fixes
  • Provides alternate route for those on earlier firmwares or with other issues
  • Fixes common crash 2168-0002 which occurs upon application exit

Uhhh so the original script caught on like wildfire and pretty much everyone uses it so I thought I would make it easier for those who are afraid of the command line. Trying to streamline the whole "switch homebrew experience".

Note: There is a small possibility that using fs_mitm may interfere with launching this application. If possible, either A) Don't use it once for when you wish to run this, or B) Do the additional steps for earlier firmwares (even if you are on a higher firmware). To get the best chance, you should do both.
enjoy :switch:

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