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ROM Hack Jump Ultimate Stars NEW Translation Project



Staff member
Jan 25, 2024
Project page here : http://deufeufeu.free.fr/wiki/index.php?ti...JUS_Translation
Old content put in spoiler :
Project page (all download there) : http://deufeufeu.free.fr/wiki/index.php?ti...JUS_Translation

Current Unstable : 0.1
Current Stable : None

Due to the frozen-like state of the current Jump Ultimate Stars Translation project, I'm thinking of making my own fork project.

There are many reasons for this fork.
First, and I don't want to offense anyone, I don't like the way the project is managed, from a free-for-all wiki-like translation to a paranoïd closed one.
No effort at all have been made about how a translation patch will be done, and sadly, it shows, we are close to a year since the start of the project and I was somehow "hired" to clean things up and reduce the delay.
The whole philosophy of the project, as it can be read in the corresponding thread, does not appeal to me : closed beta patchs, for example, stated "for debugging" while the debugging was done before the patch is made, people being "hired" to be part of the debug team, often seen as some kind of gift from the team.
Then there's the lacking part of the translation text, FAST6191 initial dump was partial and some important part were completly overlooked.

On my side, in response to the request for help I've received on janury 2nd, I've already made a working patch system, changed the various fonts in the game, extracted ALL the text, made a graphic extracter, decyphered the ALAR file format, ... All in something like a week.
For me it's quite clear that this project can be handled better, from my point of view, and it's what I'm aiming at.
Now there's the matter of the already done translation. It's hard for me to tell which part was translated by who and to give proper credits.
So anyone can pm me to claim some of the translations, and I'll be happy to include them in this new project or, if they don't want to join, give them credit or remove their translation if they want it.
About the patch schedule, my fork project will release a patch by the end of the week.
In fact the patch is already there, but I'd rather clean some things up before releasing it, and I'm waiting for early response to this topic before making such move.

For those seeking some technical informations : http://deufeufeu.free.fr/wiki/index.php?ti..._Ultimate_stars

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