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RELEASE Homebrew Homebrew Menu Loader `Legal` NSP



Staff member
this app runs hbmenu.nro from the root of your sd card
it's based on nx-hbloader https://github.com/switchbrew/nx-hbloader

Last Update: 02/Feb/2020

hbmenu.zip works on all versions (videorecording = manual)
hbmenu_5.x+.zip works on firmwares equal or higher than 5.0.0 (videorecording = auto)

it's completely made with 'legal' nca/nsp builder and it's a PoC of "hacBrewPack"

proof that it's legal:
- no authoring tool exif data in icon
- different npdm from the one using in illegal ones
- totally 0 acid sig, nca sig and nca program sig
- sections write order, if you look at authoring tool program sections, section 2 is first section that wrote into file and section 0 is the last one
- no xmls
- no digest in metadata nca
- sdk version
- paddings
- control.nacp is exactly the one made with libnx, just 1 byte change which is for loading animation
- key area encryption keys (2)
- no nintendo logo and switch animation while loading (no program section 2)


  • hbmenu_5.x+.zip
    275.4 KB · Views: 82
  • hbmenu.zip
    272 KB · Views: 79

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