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Homebrew HID to VPAD



Staff member
Jan 25, 2024
HID to VPAD v0.9k
Use HID-devices on your WiiU.

What is HID to VPAD?

HID to VPAD is a WiiU homebrew application. It allows you to use HID controllers on your WiiU which will emulate the
the gamepad or a pro controller.


  • Native support for common USB-HID devices like the DS3,DS4 and the GC-Adapter.
  • Emulating the WiiU Gamepad and up to 4 WiiU Pro controllers simultaneously.
  • Support for XInput controllers (e.g XBox 360 and Xbox One) or Bluetooth HID-Devices (e.g. Switch Pro Controller) over the network.
  • Support for other controllers can be added by providing a valid configuration file.
  • Remapping of your WiiU Gamepad button layout.



"HID to VPAD" is built to loaded through the homebrew launcher, which can be
either loaded through the browser exploit or haxchi.

You need to start this Application every time you reboot your console.
When you want to re-enter the settings, start the Mii Maker (not haxchi!).
It's not possible to start another homebrew application after running hid to vpad.

  • Download the zip from github and extract the wiiu folder on your sd card.
  • Download HID to VPAD from the Homebrew AppStore
  • (optional) download controller configurations and put them on the SD Card (sd:/wiiu/controller) to support more controllers.
How to start it:
  • Start the homebrew launcher using your prefered method (e.g. haxchi or browser exploit).
  • Start HID to VPAD
  • Attach the controller you want to use (You can attach/detach it at any time)
  • Select a controller you want to emulate on the game (there is a menu on the left hand side)
  • Press A and a window should pop up
  • Press any button on the connected Controller. The windows should close
  • If the window is NOT closing after you pressed a button on the connected controller, it's probably not supported. Make sure you have a valid configuration on your sd card.
  • When the controller is assigned successfully you'll see an image of the controller on the Gamepad. Press any buttons to check if the inputs are working properly
  • Assign as many controllers as you want. If you're done, press PLUS to apply the patches
  • The WiiU should now load the system menu
  • If you are in a game and a controller emulated as the pro controller is not working, press TV on the WiiU Gamepad.

Supported devices

HID to VPAD has native support for common HID-Devices when they are connected via USB.
  • [Mapping] Mouse (experimental)
  • [Mapping] Keyboard
  • [Mapping] GameCube via the official GameCube-Controller-Adapter for the WiiU.
  • [Mapping] Switch Pro Controller via USB.
  • [Mapping] Dualshock 3 (via USB)
  • [Mapping] Dualshock 4 (via USB and only the old model, for the new one you'll need the network client)
Native support when connected via the Network Client:
  • [Mapping] XInput (Xbox 360, Xbox One etc.)

Configuration files

Controllers can be configured via config files which need to placed into the following folder:
With the help of these files, support for new Controller can be added, or existing native configurations can be overwritten.
The controller patcher wiki, provides information about creating own files. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in this topic.
Configuration files will be collected in this repository. If you have created a file for a new controller, please share it so anybody can use it!

Button remapping

To remap the buttons of your WiiU Gamepad, a configuration file is needed.
More information about creating these config, can be found here.


HID to VPAD is available in the following languages:
- English (default)
- German (by @Maschell)
- Spanish (by @victormr21)
- Italian (by @pazzoeo)
- Brazilian Portuguese (by @AlanLC)

The Github releases already have the files incuded, but in case some language is missing you can download them here: https://github.com/Maschell/hid_to_vpad/tree/master/languages

Place them into:

The file extension has to be .lang.


The settings file will be saved on the SD Card under:


Stable: Download
Nightlies: Download
Source: Here
Load the file with the homebrew launcher.


A big thanks goes out to @dimok for creating the HBL, the dynamic libs and every stuff he made. The "environment" of this app is copied from ddd, turned out to be a "hello world" with useful extra stuff.
Also huge thanks to @FIX94 who initally created his gc-to-vpad. Helped me a lot! Thanks!
And of course big thanks to everyone who has helped me testing!

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