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PS1/2 HDLBATCH 1.1 Update (100MB/s - 150MB/s PS2 HDD batch installer using HDL DUMP)

PlayStation and PS2 Games


Staff member

Version 1.11 Fixed small bug related to manual edits of gameid.txt sometimes not setting titles properly
Version 1.12 Fixed an issue with paths when running from non-main drives
Version 1.13 Fixed issue with target selection; errorlevel n sets all lower errorlevels; re-ordered errorlevel checks
Version 1.14 Fixed issue with filenames containing exclamation mark (!); gameid.txt updated to work around delayed expansion
Version 1.15 Fixed issue with short filenames (e.g. Gun.iso or Ico.cue)

Main feature update is the inclusion of gameid.txt -- game titles will now be pulled from gameid.txt (if it exists). If no gameid.txt is found, or no entry is found within gameid.txt, then the file name will be used instead. Users may choose to ignore gameid.txt altogether. Please see the readme.txt file on using gameid.txt. This file was generated from:


As some game titles are extremely long, users may want to edit gameid.txt and shorten the titles. Note, however, that the database is currently 13670 entries! Fortunately, it is organized by region code, followed by numerical ID. This is where test-mode comes into play. The current release will always run in test mode by default. In this mode, only the game type, game id, and game titles are printed. This will allow users to double check their game library to ensure that each game has a proper id (required for loading via OPL) and desired game title (and title length). Once satisfied, change a single option line inside the batch file to actually install. For large installations, you can output the info dump into a text file with something like:

HDLBATCH > info.txt

in a command line terminal with administrative rights. Please consult the readme.txt file under the FAQ section. An option for network installs was added as well (only because someone asked about it; I wholeheartedly do not recommend it as it is slow, and network connections, even direct connections, can still break for any number of reasons). This is likely the final update. I have no interest in adding any other feature, or further maintaining this package (unless it is to fix bugs/errors or incompatibilities with future versions of Windows).


  • HDLBATCH_v1_15.7z
    217 KB · Views: 90

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