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Homebrew GBA Exploader on modern libnds...



Staff member
Jan 25, 2024
Thanks to ArcheyChen's efforts in getting in contact with Rudolph we now have public source code for GBA Exploader. I have taken the liberty of porting it to current devkitarm/libnds standards and recompiled it. I gave it a new version string/icon and also added partial support for SuperCard Lite! (and possibly other versions of SuperCard slot2 devices that support GBA games)



Another important addition is that I added an error message for if user attempts to run this on 3DS/DSi consoles. I have recently acquired a EZFlash 3 in 1 and it appears to work properly with that cart so I finally got around to building a release for it on the github repo. I've also given it a new icon to seperate it from the original builds of GBA Exploader.

Note though Rudolph could not find the source to 0x58b (The last version he made I think which had proper EZ Flash 3 in 1 Plus support). As such EZ Flash 3 in 1 Plus isn't fully supported in this build. I managed to at least get it to detect the card though so using ram mode for GBA games...should work. NorFLASH stuff is broken though as I have one user who has one confirm that it appears to not cause any change with games. As the 3in1 I obtained isn't a Plus revision I can't attempt to fix this. The source code is available on my Github for those interested in improving this.

SuperCard needs further work as saves currently not working yet. So still open to improvements! :D

By the way the 3 in 1 I have is the C11 revision with 227E2218 flash ID. I invite others with other revisions of EZ Flash 0.57 was known to work for to test this on their cards to confirm if it still works properly for them as well. My cart currently has a dead SRAM battery so I have not fully tested the save system but I see no reason why it wouldn't work. It only is non functional for most part for the newly added SuperCard as I suspect new code needs to be added for writing to it's save. At least with the SuperCard Lite variant I have as that one doesn't use a sram battery like the others.

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