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Early Build of Mortal Kombat Returns ported to PS4



Staff member
Thought I would share the port of MK Returns the Eyeballistic demoed a couple years back ported to PS4.

I was happy to get it into a playable state considering the shaders were all custom and the characters wouldn't even show up.

I am now working on moving in some of the assets from the GameMaker version they did around the same time and found some nice pieces in a MUGEN build I think that goes back to like 2019 or so. More backgrounds, Scorpion will be playable and likely get TYM in there.

Open to collaborating if anyone is interested as well so feel free to reach out. I don't PC game so that is really the reason behind doing this. Hope you the initiative and any future updates I can provide.

Should work on 4.50 and up.


- Cheers!


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