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News Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake taking inspiration from Zelda: Breath of the Wild



Staff member

The Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake is taking direct inspiration from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild in terms of its open-world design and sense of exploration. According to the game's producer, Masaaki Hayasaka, the team wanted to capture that same feeling of seeing something intriguing in the distance and being compelled to go investigate it.

To that end, the remake is featuring a vast, beautiful open world for players to freely explore, with the promise of new discoveries and secrets to uncover throughout. This aligns with Breath of the Wild's approach of encouraging players to stray off the beaten path and see what they can find.

Overall, it seems Square Enix is making a concerted effort to modernize the classic Dragon Quest III experience and make it feel fresh, while still retaining the core elements that fans love about the original. The Breath of the Wild inspiration is an interesting choice that could help the remake stand out and appeal to a wider audience.


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