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News Celeste Composer Reveals New Shmup RPG 'ANOTHEREAL'



Staff member

Celeste composer and game developer Lena Raine has revealed her latest project ANOTHEREAL, a shmup RPG that combines exploration, puzzle-solving, and tense combat encounters.

Though a Switch release has not been confirmed at the time of writing, we remain hopeful that the eventual Steam release will pave the way for more platform launches (and maybe our enthusiasm will give publisher Radical Dreamland a bit of a nudge!). Similarly, a release date has not yet been set, so we could be in for a bit of a wait.

The game sees you take control of Astra who, after receiving communication from her sister to reconnect, finds herself navigating both the world itself and her inner demons as she becomes 'existent'. The trailer showcases some lovely pixel art visuals with some tasty bullet-hell encounters typical of the shmup genre. It looks cool, and we sincerely hope it lands on Switch at some point.

Let's check out the key features:

- Explore and discover the world within and beyond Astra's childhood home, full of puzzles, mysteries and weirdos
- Meet new friends to help Astra navigate the Real
- Shoot, dodge, absorb and retaliate in shmup-style combat encounters
- Customize Astra's loadout with meaningful objects, experiences, companions, and parts of her Self
- Obtain and use items?? Why is this a bullet point
- Original story, art and music by award-winning composer Lena Raine

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We'll be sure to keep you updated on ANOTHEREAL and its potential Switch launch in the coming weeks and months.

In the meantime, let us know what you make of the trailer in the comments section below. Are you, like us, hoping the game comes to Switch?

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