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News Backyard Baseball '97 Is Being Rereleased, Years After The Original Source Code Was Lost


Playground Productions and Mega Cat Studios are teaming up to release Backyard Baseball '97 to Steam, years after the original source code was lost.

The game will be released on Steam on October 10th and was accomplished thanks to Mega Cat Studios hacking a copy of the original CD-ROM to make the title run on modern PCs. According to the publishers, as they don't have access to the original source, the company is limited in what it can achieve in regards to this new release — for instance, there's no gamepad support, Steam Deck compatibility, or support for modern MacOS. However, it will introduce Steam achievements, as well as global leaderboards to let you see how you stack up against your friends and strangers online for the first time.

You can wishlist the game now on Steam. Here are some screenshots:


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