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Atgames sega flashback 2018 edition is out in the wild.



Staff member
camera is charging and will upload pics later but atgames seems to have silently release the 2018 version of the sega genesis mini as a silent update for the 2017 line. has sd card and everything any body else got one of these units yet?

update: pretty bummed out... no adb. making homebrew for this guy will just be absurdly hard :(.
why god why was adb taken out ;.;



Below you will see a blank square. i edited it on purpose. i had to do a reckless mod to try to put the device into bootloader mode and i rather people dont try it and needlessly mess up their console as it does nothing unless you are trying to develop stuff for it. there is a recovery mode button too but since we dont know what an update image looks like, it also serves little purpose to put the device in recovery mode.
the recovery reports the processor as a 31xx device but i am pretty sure they just forgot to edit out the strings on the recovery mode image.

how to tell if it is a 2018 unit:

also looks like this post got the attention of a well known youtuber. fun stuff :p
it looks like it uses retroarch and genesisplusgx to achieve emulation. This could be interesting if it gets opened up.
P.S: i am visiting California and found them at a local frys. Also saw them at a target as well.

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