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Homebrew Add many more screen layout options in DS virtual console games



Staff member
Jan 25, 2024
UPDATE 7/27/21: This tiny update just fixes how one of the screen titles appears. Pixel Perfect Side-By-Side (Swapped Displays) ran too long and reached down into a second line which the screen titles weren't made to do, so it looked bad. This fix changes the title by dropping the word 'Displays' so it all stays on a single line. If you already have used the last update, then the only thing that changed in here that you need to replace in each DS VC title's content folder is located here: content\0010\data\strings\en\strings.json that's the only file that has changed. This is now the version attached to this post to download.

UPDATE 4/6/21: I have now updated the config with a total of 47 different layouts now! Mostly I just added as many logical pixel perfect options I could, I also added the single screen (top or bottom) on both displays options too. I haven't taken images of all the options, but they all work as intended. Pixel Perfect layouts will have a DS Lite border where appropriate instead of the standard DS. Pixel perfect options will not display the images of the DS Lite borders in the layout menu, I tried and thought I figured it out, but they just don't show up there, obviously not a big deal though.

I'll try and take images or video of all the new options shortly. Otherwise download the updated files here at the bottom of this post in the included files..

Please note, with all the additional layout options, when you select one with A, there is initially a new delay of a second or 2 before the layout is now selected, not a big deal, but slightly irritating all the same.

I'm quite surprised what I've done here hasn't really been documented by now as it's not very complex. There is this thread that scratches the surface of what I've done here: https://gameparadise.org/threads/wii-u-ds-vc-custom-layouts.2064/ But that thread left it at the idea that you can simply replace DS VC layouts and nothing more, it didn't explore the idea that you might be able to actually expand on the layout options and add more. And I'm here to tell you, you can. I could go in depth of how to do it yourself, but I figured it'd be easier if I just provided you with the files I've used to give every DS VC game, 26 different layout options, that's right 26 different layouts. Some of them are as simple as just rotating the Gamepad, but I do believe that in my effort to explore possible DS VC layouts on the Wii U, I've hit upon every logical and desirable option. You can see in the examples below.

I also want to point out some other things I've done first, all DS VC titles are also upped to full brightness with these config files, the default is set to 80%, they're all at 100% with these configs. Also, the default settings as you may be aware gives you 6 groups of layout options, the first and last options only have one option, but the second through 5th groups each have 2 layout options, typically altering for left and right handed players. On these options you see an icon with a hand to show which handed player it is for, and also acts as an indication you can press up or down to alternate the layout. These layout configs have swapped out the hand icon with an icon indicating you can hit up or down to swap layouts. When you do hit up or down they'll progress forward regardless which you press, not noticeable for groups of 2, but the groups of 4 you'll see might confuse at first if you think you can go backwards in the layout rotations. There are now 9 groups, the first 5 groups all have 2 alternate layouts, the last 4 groups all have 4 alternate layouts. Check out the layouts below, I only took screenshots of the layout screen to get a good idea of what both screens will display since it's not so easy otherwise, rest assured, what you see in the layout screen is what you see in actual practice.

Also note, I tried to screenshot DS games that would be most logical for each layout. And if there is any other conceivable logical layout I should include, please let me know.



























All 26 of those layouts are in this config files and can be therefore applied to any and all DS VC titles, real or injects and should cover any layout you could need or want for any given game, again with full brightness. All you need to do is open the .zip file and enter the DS Config Files folder, and copy the content folder inside into any given DS title on your Wii U and overwrite all files it asks about. Please note, if you're doing this via FTPiiU PLEASE make sure you don't apply this over your CBHC DS Title, I'm almost certain that would brick your Wii U, plus it would serve no useful purpose anyway.

There is a separate folder for Phantom Hourglass that has the config set to fold the DS screen on pause for the one puzzle that requires it. I don't know if any other titles, needs that configuration, but you can apply that content folder to Phantom Hourglass and those titles as well.

Get the DS Layouts Config Files Here!


  • DS Config Files 47 Options Clean Titles.zip
    DS Config Files 47 Options Clean Titles.zip
    4.5 MB · Views: 63

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