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    News Masahiro Sakurai's Excellent YouTube Series Is Coming To An End This Month

    Masahiro Sakurai has announced that his YouTube series, titled Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games, will cease uploading regular new videos this month, with the last episode scheduled for 15th October 2024. We all knew this was coming, of course: Sakurai announced that he would be winding the...
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    Retro Gather 'Round Kids, Sakurai Talks About CRT Displays

    Masahiro Sakurai is back with another video, and in this week's 'Grab Bag' episode, the legendary game creator delves into the world of CRT displays. Now, if you've been around long enough to actually own and play games on a CRT (which, yes, you can still do now if you happen to find one out in...
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    Random Sakurai And Team Asobi Exchange Pleasantries Over Astro Bot

    Since its launch on 6th September 2024, PS5's Astro Bot has been making waves in the gaming community thanks to its high quality and ingenuity. By taking heavy inspiration from Nintendo (and specifically the Super Mario franchise), developer Team Asobi has undoubtedly crafted one of the finest...
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    Random "The Time Players Spend In A Game Is A Cost" - Sakurai Talks Long Runtimes

    Masahiro Sakurai is back with more words of wisdom in his latest YouTube video, which this time is a cautionary tale against long game runtimes. To be clear, Sakurai isn't against putting hundreds of hours into a game — he even apologizes for Smash Ultimate being such a time sink — but, he...
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    Random Sakurai Gives Some Workplace Advice That We All Need To Heed

    Masahiro Sakurai is back with another video, but rather than focusing on specific aspects of game development, he's instead providing some general workplace advice that we reckon everybody should heed, regardless of what kind of industry you work for. The advice is pretty simple: don't fight...
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    Gaming "Keep Your Peaks And Valleys!" - Sakurai Explains Fighter Balance In Smash Bros.

    The legendary Masahiro Sakurai is back with another look into the intricacies of game development on his YouTube channel and, of course, he's drawing from his wealth of Smash Bros. Ultimate anecdotes to make things clear. Today's lesson is all about character balance and the need to stress...
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    Retro Sakurai Breaks Down The Differences Between Famicom And NES Music

    Masahiro Sakurai is once again delving into his video game knowledge with a video all about the intricacies of NES and Famicom audio. What begins as an introduction to the consoles' different audio processing channels (pulse, triangle, noise and DPCM), soon turns into a history lesson about how...
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    Gaming "Let Them Play, First Thing!" - Sakurai Is Tired Of Slow Game Openings

    Forget your lore-establishing backstories. Forget your character introductions. Forget your long cutscenes. A game's opening needs to be fast, it needs to be exciting, and it needs to throw us into the action as quickly as possible. At least, that's according to Masahiro Sakurai's latest YouTube...
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    Sakurai Explains How Manga Influenced Smash Ultimate's Character Designs

    Masahiro Sakurai is back with another game development video and today's lesson is all about Manga-like visuals. The legendary game designer discusses the expressive and unrealistic techniques employed by manga and anime artists to achieve the most expressive result, specifically, how a...
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    News Masahiro Sakurai Has Finished Recording His Final YouTube Video

    Super Smash Bros. creator Masahiro Sakurai has previously mentioned how he planned to wrap up his YouTube channel, and now he's shared another update about this on social media. According to a rough translation, he's now finished recording the final episode. Just don't expect to see it any time...
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    Gaming "Everyone Keeps The Gameplay In Mind" - Sakurai Talks Teamwork On Smash Ultimate

    Masahiro Sakurai is back talking about Super Smash Bros. Ultimate on his YouTube channel (what do you know!). This time, the focus is on collision animations and how it's more of a collaborative effort than you might expect. Those who have been paying attention to the legendary game designer's...