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press release

  1. admin

    News A slow week with some big games - Press Release

    Welcome to September! We enter the final the final third of the year, and we're coming in fairly hot with some surprising hits amidst what is maybe a more lukewarm stream of news. Lukewarm or boiling hot, I have everything I could find here for your perusal! Personal Picks I've been wanting a...
  2. admin

    News Closing out the month - Press Release

    The final week of August is coming to a close, and thanks in no small part to Nintendo's Partner Showcase and Indie World Direct we have a slurry of new and returning games being released. Grab a drink and have a read about what's been going on. [TABS width=100%] New Game Announcements...
  3. admin

    Gaming Gamescom is upon us! - Press Release

    It's been a pretty hefty week of news and announcements thanks to Gamescom, with the event still running through the weekend. As usual I've collated as much as I can from my inbox, slightly tweaking the layout again to hopefully get that bit closer to making it digestible. [TABS width=100%]...