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  1. admin

    MARS 2120: Brazilian independent metroidvania releases documentary

    DEVELOPING AN INDIE GAME: MARS 2120 DOCUMENTARY EPISODE 1 First episode of Journey to MARS, a behind-the-scenes documentary about the independent Brazilian metroidvania MARS 2120, released Nicknamed "Brazilian Metroid Dread" reveals his inspirations and details behind the creation of the game...
  2. admin

    News Crash Bandicoot And Spyro Studio 'Toys For Bob' Is Now Officially Independent

    In March, the Crash Bandicoot and Spyro developer Toys for Bob announced it would leave Activision and the Xbox team to become an independent studio. In an update on social media, it's now made this official with a profile update. In its bio description on X, it now says "We are an independent...