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gundam breaker 4

  1. admin

    News Japan Sales Charts: PS5 Finally Hits 6 Million, Gundam Breaker 4 and Visions of Mana Make Top 10

    It's been a long time coming, but the PS5 has finally topped six million sales in Japan. The current-gen console's been heading towards that milestone for months, but a lack of notable system sellers has meant slow progress. Still, it's something for Sony to celebrate in its native country. For...
  2. Gundam Breaker 4 (PS5) - An Impressively Addictive Return to Form

    Mini Review Gundam Breaker 4 (PS5) - An Impressively Addictive Return to Form

    How do you follow up on the disaster that was 2018's New Gundam Breaker? Well, in the case of Gundam Breaker 4, you simply return to the basics, and remind yourself of what made the series so much fun in the first place. This sequel goes out of its way to keep things focused: you grind out...
  3. Gundam Breaker 4 Review

    Nintendo Switch Gundam Breaker 4 Review

    In many ways, Gundam Breaker 4 represents a fresh start for Bandai Namco's mecha action series. Not only is this a return to the roots after the divisive New Gundam Breaker didn't go over so well with the fanbase, but this marks the first time that the mainline series has come to either the...