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  1. admin

    Emulator Rosalie’s Mupen GUI v0.6.5 released!

    Rosalie's Mupen GUI is a free and open-source mupen64plus front-end written in C++. It offers a simple-to-use user interface. Changelog: https://github.com/Rosalie241/RMG
  2. admin

    DisplayMusicTitle 2024-06-17

    The music title is displayed during a match including online. This mod requires Unverum to install.
  3. admin

    Improved TF2C Loading / Server Connect Screen 2024-05-29

    Improved TF2C Loading Screen port https://gamebanana.com/mods/56155 This mod doesn't have a functional playtime counter (You can't do it in Live TF2.) So I went with the next best thing and add their Biography instead. This is the most info I know for each class, if you have any more info...