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game gear

  1. admin

    Retro The Sega Game Gear Is About To Get Another Promising Shoot 'Em Up

    The Sega Game Gear already has a ton of great shoot 'em ups, but it could be about to get another later this year, in the form of the Suzuki Plan's promising naval barrage game Battle Marine (as reported by @GGEAR_TARO). Battle Marine was released on Steam earlier this year in February and was...
  2. admin

    News Wave 3 Of Book4Games' "Precision Game Storage" Range Includes SNES, PC Engine And Game Gear

    Book4Games has been producing its range of "Precision Game Storage" options for a while now, and the company has taken to Kickstarter to launch its third wave of products. "Book4Games was founded in the South of France in 2021 based on the observation that loose game cartridges are usually...