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duke nukem

  1. admin

    Homebrew "Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition" has been unofficially ported to the Sega Dreamcast

    The Sega Dreamcast has started to gain some love by their homebrew community this year, with games like Doom 64 and Sonic Mania receiving unofficial ports to the last main Sega console. Today, another beloved classic title has joined the ranks of games being ported unofficially to the console...
  2. admin

    Homebrew Duke Nukem 3D Has Been Ported To Dreamcast, And Its Creator Is Impressed

    Duke Nukem 3D has been ported to the Sega Dreamcast, offering an array of improvements. The work has been carried out by a modder called Ivan Guber, and includes improved game performance, reworked controls and even the ability to hook up a house and keyboard. To be more specific, the port...
  3. admin

    Cracking The Mystery Of Duke Nukem Advance's Two English Localizations

    It's always amazing to us how after decades of thinking we know everything about a game, someone can come along and completely blow our minds with an incredible fact that we've never heard about before. To give an example, this happened to us recently when we stumbled across a fascinating tweet...