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  1. admin

    Hardware Visual DSi Diagnostic Guide

    Have you ever had an issue with your DSi and tried to get help? Instead you'll get reddit threads full of misleading or braindead answers, threads that just complain about noobs, and discord servers where your messages get buried by a dozen other people needing help... trying to diagnose a...
  2. admin

    Homebrew DSi Homebrew Menu directly on your Home Menu!

    I recently discovered that I can get SRLs to boot into DSi mode if I use the right DSi Extended header settings. Initially I needed to provide an existing Arm7i/arm9i binary, but later discovered that they aren't needed. hbmenu works fine with the arm7i/arm9i binary locations pointed to the...
  3. admin

    Homebrew [Release] NDSForwarder for DSi: generate hiyaCFW forwarders on the DSi directly

    The 3DS already has this, why not make one for the DSi? NDSForwarder for DSi is an nds-bootstrap forwarder generator for hiyaCFW, based on @JeffRuLz's Title Manager for hiyaCFW. (two TMFH forks in a month lol) You can now generate forwarders directly on your DSi, without a PC! Source...