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city connection

  1. admin

    News Jaleco's 'Saiyūki World', 'Magic John', & 'Pizza Pop!' Are Coming To Nintendo Switch

    City Connection has announced that the next three Jaleco titles coming to Nintendo Switch, as part of its 'JALECOlle Famicom Edition' series, will be Saiyūki World, Magic John, and Pizza Pop! The announcement was made just a couple of days ago across both City Connection's social media and...
  2. admin

    Retro City Connection Announces 'RIKI 8Bit Game Collection' - A Switch Collection Of NES Homebrews

    Earlier today, City Connection announced a partnership with the Japanese artist and homebrew game creator RIKI to bring five of their NES / Famicom homebrews to Nintendo Switch inside of a single collection, called RIKI 8Bit Game Collection (thanks Gematsu!). The collection will include the...