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baldurs gate 3

  1. admin

    News Wizard of Mod Arrives in Girthy Baldur's Gate 3 Patch 7 on PS5

    Console-bound RPG fans have watched with envious eyes the strange delights and modifications their PC brethren have enjoyed for about as long as both platforms have existed. Thankfully, we live in a bright, hopeful age in which Baldur's Gate 3 is not only real but one of the best games ever...
  2. Baldur's Gate 3 Review

    Computer Baldur's Gate 3 Review

    If any video game truly deserves the mildly ludicrous 'AAAA' moniker, it's Baldur's Gate 3. Larian Studios' latest is a roleplaying experience of the first order, a work of vanishing beauty made in the old ways to modern specifications. This third instalment in the long-dormant series...
  3. admin

    News Baldur's Gate 3's First Custom Maps Portend Endless D&D Adventure

    With Larian allowing modders to have at Baldur's Gate 3 for about a week now, the results are already looking quite promising, indeed, with detailed custom maps beginning to emerge. Heroic modders are attempting to take us where even the developer dare not tread, and with mod support coming to...
  4. admin

    News Baldur's Gate 3 Patch 7 Delayed Into October on PS5

    Baldur's Gate 3's highly anticipated Patch 7 is out right now on PC — but unfortunately, the wait continues on PS5. Developer Larian had previously said that the update would take "a little longer" to roll out on consoles, but those who expected it to drop this month are going to be...
  5. admin

    News Baldur's Gate 3's Huge Patch 7 Is Out This Week on PC, PS5 Has to Wait 'A Little Longer'

    The next big update for Baldur's Gate 3, the so-called Patch 7, has been talked about for months — and now it's finally within reach. Developer Larian has confirmed that the update will arrive this week on PC — having previously promised that it would drop at some time in September — but PS5...
  6. admin

    News Baldur's Gate 3's Lae'zel Combat Stance Literally the Stuff of Ancient Samurai Dreams

    Larian Studio's animation game was extremely on point in Baldur's Gate 3. The ludicrous number of unique interactions each character has gives each so much personality, and as it turns out, inspiration struck one of the developers from an unexpected angle. In an illuminating new series looking...
  7. admin

    News Baldur's Gate 3 Reveals Utterly Ridiculous Player Stats for One Year Anniversary

    If you can believe it, it's (almost) been one whole year since the release of Baldur's Gate 3 on PS5. Crazy! But you know what's even crazier? The player-related stats that developer Larian Studios has just unleashed upon the world. Needless to say, they make for a richly entertaining read...