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Computer Unknown 9: Awakening Review

Unknown 9: Awakening has the bones of a good game but fails to flesh them out fully.

General Information


Unknown 9: Awakening, developed by Reflector Entertainment and published by Bandai Namco, is an action-adventure game that attempts to blend supernatural elements with a globe-trotting narrative. While it showcases some intriguing ideas, the game ultimately falls short of its ambitions, resulting in a mixed experience that leaves players wanting more.

Storyline and Characters

Plot: 6/10

The game follows Haroona, a Quaestor with the ability to tap into a mysterious dimension called the Fold. The premise is intriguing, promising a deep dive into supernatural lore and personal growth. However, the execution leaves much to be desired:
  • The narrative feels disjointed, often resorting to cryptic exposition dumps.
  • Many plot points feel like setups for future installments rather than satisfying arcs within this game.
  • The emotional climaxes lack impact due to insufficient character development.

Characters: 7/10

  • Haroona, voiced by Anya Chalotra (known for The Witcher), shows potential but suffers from inconsistent characterization.
  • Supporting characters feel underdeveloped, often serving as mere plot devices.
  • The relationship between Haroona and her mentor stands out as one of the game's stronger elements.


Combat: 7/10

The combat system shows promise but takes too long to reach its full potential:
  • Haroona's Fold abilities, such as invisibility and enemy possession, add an interesting layer to encounters.
  • The mix of stealth and action provides some variety.
  • Combat becomes more engaging later in the game but feels underdeveloped in earlier sections.

Exploration and Level Design: 5/10

  • Beautiful vistas are marred by linear and unengaging level design.
  • Exploration feels superficial, with little reward for venturing off the beaten path.

Progression: 6/10

  • The skill tree system feels underwhelming, with many upgrades failing to significantly impact gameplay.
  • The pacing of ability unlocks is slow, holding back the combat system's potential until late in the game.

Technical Aspects

Graphics and Art Direction: 8/10

  • The game boasts impressive visuals, with some truly breathtaking environments.
  • Character models and animations are generally well-executed.

Performance: 4/10

  • Numerous technical issues plague the experience, including frame rate drops and occasional bugs.
  • These performance problems are particularly noticeable on high-end hardware, suggesting optimization issues.

Sound Design and Music: 7/10

  • Voice acting, particularly by Anya Chalotra, is a highlight.
  • The soundtrack, while competent, doesn't leave a lasting impression.


Unknown 9: Awakening feels like a rough first draft of a potentially compelling franchise. While it showcases some interesting ideas and beautiful visuals, the game is held back by its disjointed narrative, underdeveloped gameplay mechanics, and technical issues.


  • Intriguing premise and world-building
  • Solid voice acting, especially from the lead
  • Beautiful art direction
  • Combat system shows potential


  • Disjointed and unsatisfying narrative
  • Slow progression and pacing issues
  • Technical performance problems
  • Underdeveloped exploration and level design

Final Score: 6/10

Unknown 9: Awakening has the bones of a good game but fails to flesh them out fully. While hardcore fans of supernatural action-adventures might find some enjoyment, most players would be better served waiting for a sale or potential sequels that might realize the franchise's full potential.


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