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Computer Supernatural Review

Supernatural for PC successfully translates the beloved TV series into an interactive format. While it has some rough edges, particularly in combat and technical performance, the game offers an engaging experience for fans of the show and newcomers alike.

General Information


Supernatural, the popular TV series that captivated audiences for 15 seasons, has made its way into the gaming world with a PC adaptation. This review will delve into various aspects of the game, providing a thorough analysis for fans and newcomers alike.


Core Mechanics

The game primarily focuses on investigation and combat, mirroring the show's monster-hunting premise. Players take on the roles of Sam and Dean Winchester, switching between characters as needed.



  • Pros:
    • Detailed environments with interactive elements
    • Clever puzzles that require critical thinking
  • Cons:
    • Some investigations can feel repetitive


  • Pros:
    • Variety of weapons and supernatural abilities
    • Satisfying monster takedowns
  • Cons:
    • Combat can feel clunky at times
    • Limited enemy variety in early stages

Graphics and Sound


  • Impressive character models resembling the show's actors
  • Detailed environments that capture the essence of various locations
  • Occasional graphical glitches in cutscenes


  • Excellent voice acting, with original cast members reprising their roles
  • Atmospheric soundtrack that enhances the supernatural mood
  • Sound effects that add depth to the hunting experience
Story and Writing

  • Engaging narrative that feels like an extended episode of the show
  • Multiple endings based on player choices
  • Well-written dialogue that captures the characters' personalities
  • Some side quests feel disconnected from the main storyline

Technical Performance

  • Generally stable on most systems
  • Occasional frame rate drops during intense combat scenes
  • Long loading times on older hardware
Replayability and Content

  • Multiple endings encourage replays
  • Side quests add depth to the game world
  • New Game+ mode with increased difficulty
  • Lack of multiplayer might limit long-term engagement



  1. Authentic Supernatural experience
  2. Engaging storyline with multiple endings
  3. Strong voice acting and character portrayals
  4. Detailed environments and investigations


  1. Combat can feel unpolished
  2. Some technical issues and long loading times
  3. Limited enemy variety in early game

Final Score: 8/10

Supernatural for PC successfully translates the beloved TV series into an interactive format. While it has some rough edges, particularly in combat and technical performance, the game offers an engaging experience for fans of the show and newcomers alike. The strong narrative, authentic character portrayals, and detailed investigations make up for its shortcomings, resulting in a solid addition to the Supernatural universe.


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