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Mini Review Kill Knight (PS5)

An Unrelenting Arcade Nightmare.

General Information


If you took the modern DOOM games and boiled them down to a pure, score attack, twin-stick action game, Kill Knight feels like the result. Playing as a bloodthirsty, undead warrior, the game is simply about killing hordes of demonic creatures as they swarm you in alarming numbers, while each stage shifts and changes around you.

The odds feel nigh impossible, such is the sheer volume of eldritch nasties gunning for you. The game keeps you on a knife edge at all times, with your tools just enough to fight back the legions of baddies. You're armed with dual pistols, which deal most of your damage; a powerful secondary weapon with limited ammo; a sword for melee strikes; and a dash to dodge attacks.

There's plenty to think about while you're slaughtering demons. Blood Gems can be picked up to increase your strength and speed, or you can absorb them to build up a Wraith Burst — the only way to generate health pickups. Sword swipes recover ammo for your secondary weapon. An active reload can power up your pistols, absorb more Blood Gems, or deal a larger melee attack, regaining yet more ammo.

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Initially it feels complex and difficult, but once you get comfortable with how it all works (and after many attempts), you'll gradually get better, improving your times and scores, which is always satisfying. Each go at one of the five levels will reward you at least with Kill Coins, meaning there's no wasted time. You can use the currency to purchase new pistols, swords, and so on, although these can also be unlocked by completing a range of side objectives.

With four difficulty levels to overcome, lots of equipment to change up your play style, and five levels to master, Kill Knight is pretty fleshed out for what it is. On top of that, the controls feel very responsive, and it's all presented with a harsh, grainy aesthetic and appropriately punchy music. Given the style of game this is, it can become quite repetitive; level design remains fairly samey, and you're fighting mostly the same enemies throughout. Still, everything that's here is made to a high quality, and if you're in the market for a fast-paced test of skill, this hits the mark.


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PlayStation 5 Review information

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Author rating
4.00 star(s)


  • Intense, aggressive action
  • Responsive controls
  • Tight, one-more-go levels
  • Unlockable equipment changes play style


  • Repetitive stages, enemies

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