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Computer Contra: Operation Galuga Review

A Contemporary Take on Classic Run-and-Gun Action

General Information

In a world of limitless gaming options, there's a certain charm to returning to our roots, to the pixelated landscapes and 2D action of the arcade classics. One such return to form is Contra: Operation Galuga, a game that manages to balance nostalgia with the expectations of the modern gaming audience.

Meeting 2D Shooting Expectations

Contra: Operation Galuga is like a time machine that transports you back to the coin-operated arcade era. It's an homage to the traditional run-and-gun games that many of us grew up on. At its core, Operation Galuga is a reimagining of the original Contra experience, complete with familiar characters, stages, and gameplay.

Despite being presented as a sequel, its sensibilities lean heavily towards being a remake. The game maintains its predecessors' spirit by featuring the same protagonists, Bill Rizer and Lance Bean, and taking you through a recognizable journey filled with familiar stages and enemies. However, it is the introduction of new elements like fully voiced characters, new abilities, and reimagined 2D stages that set this game apart.


New Additions and Challenges

One of the significant updates to this game is the addition of new characters, each with unique abilities and play styles. This not only adds variety to the gameplay but also gives players the chance to experiment with different strategies.

The game also introduces new stages, replacing the older pseudo-3D shooting gallery levels from the original with more engaging 2D stages. However, not all new additions are successful. The game's storyline, despite its attempt to provide context, often detracts from the otherwise fast-paced action with lengthy dialogues and monologues.

Keeping the Classic Gameplay Intact

Despite the new additions, the majority of the classic Contra gameplay remains intact. Players will find themselves battling a familiar array of aliens and human commandos, as well as confronting gigantic bosses with a vulnerability to ocular damage.


The game doesn't diverge much from the original formula, but it does introduce minor tweaks. These include new characters with abilities like hovering for short periods, shooting grapple hooks, and sliding under incoming fire. These abilities offer a fresh approach to the classic gameplay while maintaining the essence of the original game.

Incorporating Elements from Previous Contra Games

Elements from the developer WayForward's previous Contra game, Contra 4, have also been incorporated. These include a two-weapon system that allows switching weapons based on the enemies faced, an upgrade system for weapons, and the ability to overload weapons for temporary benefits.


The Return of Arcade and Challenge Modes

The game also brings back the Arcade and Challenge modes from Contra 4. The Arcade mode allows for four-player co-op and challenges players to get as far as possible with a set number of lives. The Challenge mode, on the other hand, tests players with special limitations.


Final Thoughts

Contra: Operation Galuga is a respectful nod to the original Contra, with enough updates to make it feel fresh for the modern audience. However, it rarely surpasses the original in terms of excitement or surprise. With a limited number of levels and few surprises, the game may leave some players wanting more.

Despite its shortcomings, Contra: Operation Galuga is a fun run-and-gun game that successfully captures the spirit of the original. It meets the 2D shooting expectations of the classic Contra fans and introduces minor gameplay tweaks that add a fresh layer to the experience.


The Verdict

Contra: Operation Galuga is a fun, albeit brief, trip down memory lane. It meets the expectations of a modernized run-and-gun game but rarely exceeds them. For fans of the original Contra series, this game will be a nostalgic journey filled with familiar stages and characters. However, for those looking for a game with innovative gameplay and surprises, they might find Contra: Operation Galuga falling short.

In Summary

Contra: Operation Galuga is a respectful modernization of the classic run-and-gun game. It meets the expectations of the genre and introduces a few new elements to keep the gameplay fresh. However, with a limited number of levels and few surprises, it might not leave a long-lasting impression on the player.


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