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Zamasu (Dragon Ball Super) CMC+ v8

Zamasu (Dragon Ball Super) CMC+ v8
A Mod for Super Smash Bros. Crusade.



Zamasu (Dragon Ball Super) CMC+ v8Zamasu (Dragon Ball Super) CMC+ v8Zamasu (Dragon Ball Super) CMC+ v8
The Zero Mortal Plan is at hand...

Future Zamasu has arrived and he will enact his justice upon your roster!

This mod was a commission by tonyds123. Thank you for commissioning me!

Zamasu has quite the unique set of tools, he has several far-reaching sword attacks as well as things like an advancing forward aerial and a projectile Down Smash. His specials give him a little bit of everything, allowing him to bring justice in any situation he desires.

Neutral B: God Splitter - Zamasu charges up a ball of energy. You can press shield to cancel the attack and store the charge. This attack has a hitbox, so hitting it at the start of the charge will give some good damage.
Side B: Holy Severance - Zamasu charges forward and slashes the enemy if he comes into contact with them. This attack always sends them up, putting them in a bad spot.
Down B: Finishing Blow - A counter that stuns opponents for a short amount of time upon hit. Activation works with attacks and projectiles, so you can counter people from anywhere!
Up B: Heavenly Arrow - Zamasu teleports upwards and rains projectiles on his enemies. Not a fantastic recovery, but it is useful to escape pressure while fighting.
Final Smash: Instant Severance - Zamasu sends a large slash wave at enemies that travels at blinding speeds, sure to cut down any and all mortals in it's path.

Have fun playing him!
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