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English Translation

Game Description:

Did you ever watch Tron? Thought the Light Cycle scene was really cool? Well, this game is very similar to that, only with a few tweaks and one of the most abysmally bad storylines I've ever seen.

The gameplay itself isn't bad; it's actually pretty fun. Like in Tron, the goal is to get your opponent to cross either the line you leave behind when you move, or to cross over their own line. However, unlike those lame Light Cycles, you can actually jump over a line or two in this game, a maneuver that will save your ass quite frequently. The difficulty isn't too bad, since most of your opponents will fall for the same trick over and over again, but environmental effects like the ice level can throw you off badly, since you'll slide 3 or 4 lines over whenever you pull a corner.

Now, let me state that this game has one of the most retarded storylines I've ever seen in a game; a storyline so bad it makes the one from Blaster Master seem believable and brilliant. Any explanation I'll give won't come close to explaining it, so here it is:
"Joe was a teacher.."
"He saved a student."
"A car hit him!"
"Dr. Wit asked him to join his Joke Army and take over the world. Joe refused and became Naked Man!"
"Now save the world!!"

Oh god, where to begin.. First of all, seeing the pictures during this intro will help, I guess.. But I have to wonder; since when does getting mangled by a car suddenly make you a candidate for some evil genius's army? I guess that's why it's called the Joke Army; I know I'd think it was a joke if some guy in a full body cast came wheeling at me in a gurney groaning that he was here to kick my ass and take over the world.

But, Joe refuses, and becomes.. Naked Man? Way to go there, Dr. Wit; give the person who refuses to work for you Super Powers. Maybe he isn't so much a genius as he is evil. At least Naked Man's powers seem to suck really badly compared to most super heroes.

Oh, and most of the Joke Army lives up to its name, with one opponent who's apparently a relative of the Invisible Dick Licking Clown from Citizen X.

But, if you basically ignore the story Wit's is a pretty fun, albeit short game to kill some time with.

Translation Description:

Well, the translation is good, especially since there seemed to be some technical issues with hacking this game. The only japanese text was the intro, which you can read in the game review above.

ROM / ISO Information:

  • Wit's (Japan).nes - NOINTRO
  • CRC32: 82B8B8BE
  • MD5: 90C229C898F3F0FBCA43B8CE5C2A176B
  • SHA-1: 80A68B09778F80618552E90458B64515A01F6BB7
  • SHA-256: F9A833E14191BCB34FE3AAF0CE6475A8A8025AEC4778E409146EB19474DC4C17

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