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Vortex Helper

Vortex Helper
A Mod for Celeste.




Wacky additions that zero people asked for

Yet another grab-bag object mod, made at the request of absolutely no one. New things are probably being added every once in a while, so stick around!

Floor Booster - Like a Wall Booster, but it's horizontal. The fire mode carries the player (NOT carryable entities for now) either left or right, and the ice mode is really slippery, and optionally won't refill your dash when stood on. The floor booster also comes pre-packaged with the option to attach to moving platforms!

Custom Switch Gate - Switch Gates with a couple new behaviors. Crush mode accelerates while moving, similarly to an Intro Crusher, and features a configurable length of time before it reaches its destination; Shatter mode simply crumbles on the spot.

Color Switch and Switch Blocks - State-controlled solid blocks, with a rectangular switch to toggle between states! Essentially, they're manually-controlled Cassette Blocks, and as such, there are four color states: Blue, Rose, Orange, and Lime.

Purple Booster - A popular addition, this booster travels forward roughly the distance of a vanilla Green Booster, before arcing back and launching the player in the opposite direction!

Lavender Booster - The Purple Booster's less trollish cousin, this is essentially a Green Booster that launches you forward at the end of its movement.

Custom Bumpers - Exactly what it says on the tin. Currently, there are two new colors: Green, which gives the player two dashes when hit, and Orange, which turns into an evil red bumper after being hit once.

Automatic Falling Block - A block that begins falling upon loading the room it's in. Works well with things like Swap Blocks, vanilla Falling Blocks, and the Switch Blocks from this mod.

Pufferfish Bowl - A new carryable entity derived from Cavern Helper's Crystal Bombs; when it touches a Puffer Barrier, it'll begin counting down to explode after a configurable length of time! The explosion will "activate" a multitude of different entities if they're in its radius, and the countdown will be cancelled if the Pufferfish Bowl lands in water.

Bubble Wrap Block - Everyone's favorite block from the Spelunky series (not really), this block is functionally identical to a dash block that respawns after a short time. This one respects your personal space a lot more than the Spelunky ones do, so it won't regenerate if there are any collidable entities (players, Theo, Move Blocks, etc) in its hitbox.

Attached Jumpthru Platform - A solid-on-top platform, but it actually attaches to moving solids! If it's attached to a Move Block, it'll still activate it when you stand on it, much like springs do; you can also attach spikes and springs to attached jumpthrus in some sort of static-mover-inception!

Dash Bubble - A Shielded Feather, but minus the feather. You'll bounce off of it by default, and can destroy it with a dash, and in addition, you can fit most types of refills or other small objects inside its hitbox, forcing you to destroy the bubble to get them. The Spiked variant will kill on contact if you aren't dashing, but otherwise acts the same.

"Lilly" - A block; when dashed into, the sides will pop out (allowing for a boost sideways), but the connecting arm on the top can also be stood on like a jumpthru platform! Despite having its own name, nobody knows if it's related to Kevin or Melvin at all.

Color Switch Trigger - A trigger that changes the Color Switch state manually! Comes with a "silent" option, perfect for resetting the switch state upon respawning.

Kill Lightning Trigger - A trigger to - you guessed it - kill the electricity in the room automatically. Nothing too special, but it has its usefulness.

If you want to add this helper to your map, use the following text for the dependency:
- Name: VortexHelper
Version: 1.2.11
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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