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The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Redux

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Redux
“The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Redux” is a fork of Conn & qwertymodo’s A Link to the Past.


A Link to the Past Redux

"The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Redux" is a fork of Conn & qwertymodo's A Link to the Past DX hack that further modifies the game to include changes to accommodate the game into the overall franchise, as well as renaming stuff badly translated and making changes for characters with official artwork not matching with the sprites/palettes in-game.

This version aims to keep consistence with the overall franchise, along with converting some of the odd palette/sprite choices that didn't match the original artwork of the game.

Follow the GitHub repository for the full source code of the project: https://github.com/ShadowOne333/A-Link-to-the-Past-Redux

Retranslation Redux:

Additionally, and thanks to the incredible and in-depth work of the guys at Translation Quest (Chicken Knife, nejimakipiyo and Dattebayo), the entirety of the Zelda 3 script has been reworked to be more in-line with the original Japanese script.

Names, locations, items, religious references, all that is changed to make the script a much richer and refined product. NOTE: You DO NOT need to patch Redux first in order to apply this hack. You can apply this by its own over a vanilla/clean ALttP ROM, and then whatever optional patches the user might desire.


  • All of the features found in the "A Link to the Past DX" project by Conn & qwertymodo
  • New inventory GFX starting from version 7.0, which gives individual slots to every item, including one per each bottle and the shovel is handled as a separate and permanent item. Ocarina and Golden Bee names have been fixed manually for this too. Additionally, you can even switch between items quickly with the press of the L or R buttons!
  • Max consumables for Bombs and Arrows are now 60 for Bombs and 99 for Arrows (v7.0 and onwards)
  • Permanent Shovel, as well as being able to dig up items with it in the overworld (by PowerPanda)
  • Skip the Title Screen sequence by pressing Start, you no longer have to wait until the Triforce and title screen finish their animation (by PowerPanda)
  • Virtual Console's flashing and colour modifications have been disassembled and ported over, so people with photosensitivity can enjoy the game without much risk.
  • More bugfixes, additional to those found in A Link to the Past DX (Some SFXs not triggering, Fairy restores 8 hearts, fixed Pendant drop position, Sword beam equal in damage to Master Sword, Dark World spawn fix, Whirl fix, Cane of Somaria fix, etc.)
  • MSU-1 playback included
  • Change Link's hair and hat to closely match his original artwork.
  • Change Agahnim colours to match the original red robe and blue skin artwork.
  • Changed Uncle's sprite to match official artwork.
  • Change the Flute's name to Ocarina (I don't know in what world that instrument is a flute). This includes in-game text and Credits name changed too.
  • Change the Good Bee's name to Golden Bee.
  • Change Faerie to Fairy. This includes in-game text too.
  • Change Pegasus Shoes to Pegasus Boots. This includes in-game text too.
  • Tunics order will always remain as Blue Tunic first, and Red Tunic second, despite if you get them out of order.
  • Change all the references of the "Wise Men" to "Sages", Medicines to "Potions", Blue Pendant is now Wisdom while Red one is Power, and many other text and graphical changes to fit in line with the rest of the series.
  • King of Hyrule now has a red outfit instead of green to match the rest of the franchise's Kings of Hyrule (Like Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule from WW). For v5.0, the palette being shared between green soldiers and King of Hyrule has been fixed. Thanks to Conn for this!
  • Ice Palace now resembles the GBA version with a new layout. In v2.0 this room layout was fixed to have 3 movable blocks in the new section. There was one movable block unused in one other Dungeon layout found in Room 240. (Why was it there?)
  • Uncensored changes have been included too, as well as restoring some unused content. These changes focus on restoring censored content from A Link to the Past (J) and unused content for both ROMs (U and J). Some of the new content includes:
    • Star of David for the Eastern Palace restored (From the Japanese ROM)
    • New custom hieroglyphs to mimic those of the Japanese release.
    • Sanctuary doorway restored
    • Skull Statues restored. They appear in the Skull Woods Dungeon.
    • Unused Zora sign near Zora's Domain entrance restored.
    • First warp point has been relocated, it no longer drops you at the very beginning of the Death Mountain, but rather at the left side of the Heart Container you obtain after your first travel to the Dark World for convenience sake.
  • A shortcut northwest of Link's house and southwest of Hyrule Castle has been added (courtesy of PowerPanda) that adds a lift-able rock that grants rapid access to Kakariko Village once the player obtains the Titan's Mitt. This shortcut is inspired by the same shortcut/change that was implemented in "A Link Between Worlds".
Please refer to the A Link to the Past DX hack page by qwertymodo and Conn for more information on additional ASM changes over the original A Link to the Past (including L/R Item Switch).

Optional patches

  1. Disable Dash Turning: One of the features of the main Redux hack is a port of the "Ancient Stone Tablets" code of being able to turn while using the Pegasus Boots' dash. However, some people might not like this, as using the dash effectively makes you invincible while running straight with the sword at front, and being able to turn makes it even more of an overpowered feature to some. With this patch, you can now easily disable said feature, and use the Pegasus Boots like they worked originally in A Link to the Past.
  2. Enable FMV for MSU: This patch will enable the loading of the special FMV (Track 35) from the MSU files.
    Please note that the hack itself ALREADY includes MSU-1 track loading, this patch simply enables the loading of that specific track #35 to avoid an issue with the game trying to always load the FMV, despite if the FMV itself exists or not in the same folder, which ends up in a 1~ minute black screen upon loading a new game.
    Please use this patch ONLY if you will add the FMV video in your MSU files. If you don't want the FMV video but still want to use MSU-1 audio, simply IGNORE this patch.
    You can get the FMV files from these links by Qwertymodo and Conn, respectively:
  3. Green Agahnim: Using this will revert the color of Agahnim from Red+Blue to his original Green robe.
  4. Green Agahnim+Triforce Subtitle: Using this will revert the color of Agahnim from Red+Blue to his original Green robe, and also adds the new "TRIFORCE OF THE GODS" subtitle alongside it.
  5. Max Bomb-Arrows Amounts: This patch changes Link default Bombs & Arrows minimum and maximum amounts to be 20 to 99 for Bombs, and 30 to 99 for Arrows.
  6. Mirror Works in Both Worlds: This patch allows the Mirror to travel from both the Light and Dark Worlds (Light - Dark & Dark - Light), making it so that Link can travel between them at will, instead of only being able to use the Mirror to travel from Dark - Light World.
  7. Move Blocks Indefinitely: Gives Link the ability to move blocks (that can be moved) several times.
  8. Original Bomb-Arrows Amounts: This patch reverts Link default Bombs & Arrows minimum and maximum amounts to be those of the original ALttP, those being 10 to 50 for Bombs, and 30 to 70 for Arrows.
  9. Original Pink Hair Link: These patches revert Link's new blonde hair to the original pink hair he had.
  10. Remove Low Health Beep: Completely remove the constant beeping that plays when you're low on hearts.
  11. Start at Full Hearts (by PowerPanda): Applying this patch will make you start your game at full hearts every time you load your game.
  12. Triforce of the Gods Subtitle): Using this will change the subtitle in the title screen from "A LINK TO THE PAST" to match the original Japanese subtitle of "TRIFORCE OF THE GODS".
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