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Super Mario Land Colour

Super Mario Land Colour
Hack of Super Mario Land


The aim of this hack was to create a full color version of Super Mario Land. Previously, the only colorized hacks that existed for this game suffered from horrible bugs (due to flaws in how GB Colorizer inserts its code), and relied on emulator-specific functions to run at all. This project was started using the Super Mario Land: New GFX Edition hack by MathUser as a base. Most of the changes to the graphics, level layout, and enemy positions (some changes were made to work around the bugs caused by Colorizer, others simply to create a new gameplay experience) were reverted, and the Colorizer code was relocated and updated to work on actual hardware and the overwritten code was restored, fixing all of the known bugs caused by Colorizer in the first place.
The result is a version of Super Mario Land that is true to the original game, but with full color levels and sprites. The entire game has been tested and confirmed to work on actual hardware.
(Players of this hack may also be interested in the forum topic here discussing the development of this hack.)


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