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SA2 Input Controls

SA2 Input Controls
A Mod for Sonic Adventure 2.


Leaning is now easy! Currently available settings

Officially un-sensitives your controls!

The SA2 Input Fix is here! The sensitivity issue is finally gone for good, and the large deadzone has been massively reduced and made configurable to be extra sure you can get it feeling perfect!

So why call the mod Input Controls? Modesty of course! But also because this mod is not yet feature complete, there's far more planned than what's currently here. However, because the features that are here are 100% finished and because the community has been begging for an analog fix since forever, I've decided to release a preview build! It may not be feature complete, but it's not worth waiting months to release a highly sought-after fix because I arbitrarily decided it's not "done".

So what does the mod currently do?

Well, first it fixes the sensitivity issue for player characters; this was caused by some incorrect math, probably caused by an overworked dev trying to fix the drift issues from the Dreamcast version.

Secondly, it has options allowing you to control the deadzone settings of the analog input. Currently, it effects all controllers; but in future there will be separate settings for each controller.

And for now, that's it! Very simple! But I've had it sat on my drives for like a month now, and I think my reasonable time to "finish" it has passed haha.

Anyway, please enjoy a better controlling experience! Don't worry if all your muscle memory is thrown out the door, it may take a bit to get used to!
First release
Last update
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