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Roy - The Young Lion (CMC 8/SSBC 0.9.5)

Roy - The Young Lion (CMC 8/SSBC 0.9.5)
A Mod for Super Smash Bros. Crusade.



Dash AttackB ChargeB Low ChargeB Fully ChargedU-AirN-AirU-SmashS-Smash 2nd HitSide B S-2Side B S-3Side B U-3Side B D-3Up BFinal Smash StartFinal Smash MidFinal Smash End

He deals more damage up close

Final Smash: Yes
Item Points: Yes
True Palettes: Nope

I remembered the password btw

Roy, the Young Lion, burns with passion!

While there was another high-quality Roy mod released some years ago, they used higher-resolution sprites than vanilla Crusade. This is an alternate take on Roy made from the ground-up, using sprites and effects taken from SRdrex8c's original Roy mod made for SSF2. While assets from that mod were used, for the most part, this is a fully original version of Roy that has ideas I've always wanted in see in Smash.

Roy here is designed to play more like an inexperienced fighter who relies on the power of his weapon to be efficient, which is meant to be closer to his official depictions instead of Smash's original take on him. Still, if you're a Roy main, you'll have no problem picking this version up; he's still a fast-paced close-quarters brawler who barrages his opponents with oppressive rushdown!

B: Flare Blade
Works like a combination of Smash 4 and Melee's version of the move. At low charge, it hits with the blade for a wide arcing hitbox that's a great burst option. At high charge, it emits an explosion with huge knockback! Unlike Marth's version of Flare Blade, it also won't damage you while charging... But at max charge, it'll deal insane recoil damage! The key is to time your charging so that you hit with maximum power before taking damage. Don't be overzealous!

Side B: Double-Edge Dance
This move has been completely overhauled from its official counterpart, setting Roy further apart from Marth. Instead of being a 4-stage rekka with 4 sideways options, 3 upwards options, and 2 downwards options, it's now a 3-stage rekka with 3 sideways options, 2 upwards options, and 2 downwards options. Each option is some kind of reference, and they all have unique applications!
Side B S-1:
An upward swing that approaches forwards before retreating slightly backwards. Cancelling it into other options skips the retreat. Meant to resemble the beginning of Roy's Rapier critical hit animation. Its sourspot launches up slightly.
Side B S-2:
A lunging stab that closes gaps quickly with a dash. References the attack portion of Roy's Rapier critical hit animation.
Side B S-3:
Two fast dashing slashes that launch opponents far. It's a legitimate strategy for Roy to spam his sideways route for DED in Smash Ultimate, since it kills early; this emulates that easy combo.
Side B U-2:
An upwards slash that sends opponents diagonally upwards. Its sourspot launches sideways instead. Primarily used to prime U-3 or D-3.
Side B U-3:
Summons a magical flash of light a set distance in front of Roy that launches opponents straight downwards. Good for edgeguarding or grounding opponents. A direct reference to Roy's critical hit animation while using Light Brand.
Side B D-2:
Roy points his sword at the ground and summons a small ember that deals continuous damage before propping opponents upwards slightly. Has high knockback growth, so it's good for keeping enemies away during high percentages, while comboing better at low percentages. A reference to an old part of DED that Roy used to have in Melee, but was removed in all subsequent entries.
Side B D-3:
Gunflame! Roy slashes his sword into the ground in a reverse grip, summoning a pillar of fire that deals rapid damage before sending opponents flying. While it's a direct reference to Guilty Gear, the idea to give this move to Roy is inspired by his version of DED seen in Project M. Has a large hitbox and launches far, so it's a reliable combo finisher.

Up B: Blazer
The classic Blazer that Roy's had since Melee, albeit with a new visual touch-up to make it look like a blazing fang. It moves slower and deals more hits than in official Smash. Holding Forwards during startup will cause it to move much less vertically upwards, in exchange for far horizontal recovery.

Down B: Counter
He wouldn't be a Fire Emblem Lord without this. Works similarly to Centered Marth's counter in Crusade, but more extreme; it deals much more base knockback and has a much larger hitbox while also countering earlier, but its invincibility is half as long. Its animation is based on Diamant's Lord critical hit animation in Fire Emblem: Engage.

Final Smash: Critical Hit
A recreation of Roy's Final Smash from Smash 4-onwards, complete with multihit hitboxes during startup that knock the opponent into the big explosion. Obviously, a reference to Roy's critical hit animation against Idun while using the Binding Blade.

Other Notable Moves
Roy has other moves that are unique to this moveset which are meant to be references to other material.

F-Smash is Blazing Lion, Roy's special skill as an Emblem in Fire Emblem Engage. It hits twice and launches far when sweetspotted.

D-Smash summons a pillar of flame that erupts to either side. This idea is actually inspired by the SSF2 mod that these sprites came from!

N-Air is two fast swings in the same direction which are surrounded by a ring of fire, unlike Marth's N-Air that hits twice and moves in two opposite rotations. While inspired by Project M's unique Roy N-Air, this one varies in how it works. Both swings have a strong sweetspot that launches, so it either works as prolonged hitbox or a double-hit depending on how you use it.

D-Air is a fully unique move that doesn't really have anything similar to it in Smash. At a glance, it looks just like the Smash 4 D-Air, but instead of a slash downwards it's a strong stab. The sourspot is simply a weak slash, but if you hit with its sweetspot, the opponent is caught for a moment before Roy triggers an explosion that meteor smashes the opponent. The explosion also sends Roy upwards, aiding in recovery.

U-Air is a strong upwards crescent slash that works closer to a Flash Kick than the slower U-Airs that Marth archetypes usually have. The hitbox is only present for a moment, but it covers the full area above Roy instantly and is a powerful kill move.

Now go, Young Lion, and deal more damage up close.

If you like what I do, please donate to my Ko-Fi to help me eat food next month.
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