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Restored unique skills

Restored unique skills
A Mod for Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance.



Pixie's unique skill: Harmless Prank High Pixie's unique skill: Seelie Spirit Forneus' unique skill: Devilish Tongue Black Frost's unique skill: Black Soul Fist Loki's unique skill: Evil Mischief

Puts cut skills back in the game


This mod adds 5 new unique skills to the game that were already present in the game's files.

This mod was made with gh0stslayr's SMTVV Editor.


  • The new skills do not have unique animations
  • The new skills didn't have names, so Zephhyr and I made up new ones
  • The new skills' names and descriptions are only visible when playing in English

New skills

Harmless Prank (Pixie)

  • Chance of inflicting Confusion to 1 foe
  • Lowers Accuracy/Evasion by 1 rank for three turns
  • Costs 6 MP
  • Unlocked at level 5

Seelie Spirit (High Pixie)

  • Raises all stats of user by 1 rank for 3 turns
  • Costs 12 MP
  • Innate

Devilish Tongue (Forneus)

  • Chance of inflicting Confusion and Charm to all foes
  • Lowers Accuracy/Evasion by 1 rank for 3 turns
  • Costs 25 MP
  • Unlocked at level 33

Black Soul Fist (Black Frost)

  • Medium Strength-based Dark attack to 1 foe
  • Lowers all stats by 1 rank for 3 turns
  • Costs 60 MP
  • Unlocked at level 46

Evil Mischief (Loki)

  • Chance of inflicting Confusion to 1 foe
  • Lowers Accuracy/Evasion 1 rank for 3 turns
  • Costs 30 MP
  • Innate


This mod is incompatible with other mods that alter the following files:\Content\Blueprints\Gamedata\BinTable\Devil\NKMBaseTable.uexp \Content\L10N\en\Blueprints\Gamedata\BinTable\Battle\Skill\SkillName.uexp \Content\L10N\en\Blueprints\Gamedata\BinTable\Battle\Skill\SkillHelpMess.uexp
First release
Last update
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