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Reign of the Koopa (Hack 1 of 10)

Reign of the Koopa (Hack 1 of 10)
Hack of Super Mario Bros.


This SMB1 hack is the first of 10 SMB1 mini-hacks. It puts Mario in the Grassland World and he would then come face-to-face with Larry Koopa. This is the first ever complete SMB1 hack with a Koopaling in it instead of Bowser (he will appear in the last hack of this series).

Each hack will have 4 worlds in it.

And the best part: Superior graphics, all done by me. This is primarily a graphics/storyline series of hacks. Auto-scroll is also utilized here.

Version 1.1 Adds:
  • The title screen is enhanced despite the palette bug
  • Mario sprites have been redrawn for originality purposes
  • Larry Koopa sprite enhanced
  • Some levels have been modified to prevent glitches and getting trapped
  • An extra room has been added in 4-4
  • Some other graphics may have been modified too
ROM / ISO Information:

  • File: Super Mario Bros. (W) [!].nes
  • Length: 40976 Bytes (320 Kbit)
  • CRC32: 3337EC46
  • MD5: 811B027E AF99C2DE F7B933C5 208636DE
  • SHA1: EA343F4E 445A9050 D4B4FBAC 2C77D069 3B1D0922

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