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Porygon-Z over Mr. Game and Watch

Porygon-Z over Mr. Game and Watch
A Mod for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.


happy friend loud friend hot friend angry friend rock friend floaty friend heavy friend pokey friend small friends friendly friends helpful friends floatier friends playful friends shy friend distortion world trip friend

Porygon-Z twisted the dimensions!

Porygon-Z over Game and Watch! Definitely one of my most ambitious mods so far, this thing has taken about a year to fully complete

Every single one of his moves has been replaced with various Pokemon stuff:
Jab - Pyukumuku
Side Tilt - Beldum
Up Tilt - Cherrim
Down Tilt - Bronzor
Side Smash - Chi-Yu
Down Smash - Ferrothorn
Neutral Air - Wishiwashi
Forward Air - Pineco
Back Air - Tirtouga
Up Air - Hoppip
Down Air - Honedge
Neutral B - Dondozo and Tatsugiri
Side B - Roggenrola
Up B - Smeargle and Drifloon
Down B - Darkrai
Final Smash - Giratina

Game and Watch modding is torture

Note: To make him not 2D, I had to change his vl.prc file, which will affect all GW slots. You can just delete the file if you don't want that, but I haven't seen this mod without it so I couldn't tell you how good it would look

NOT Wifi safe because of the vl.prc

As always, feedback and constructive criticism is always welcome! Please let me know if I forgot something because I probably did, or if you have any problems with the mod you can also message me on Discord!
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