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Pokemon Perfect Crystal (2020 Update)

Pokemon Perfect Crystal (2020 Update)
Hack of Pokémon: Crystal Version


Pokemon Perfect Crystal is an improvement hack by Superegz. The goal of this detailed and faithful hack is to purely improve the original game with minor adjustments such as making all 251 Pokemon catch-able, adding a run button, tweaking the battle difficulty late-game to match that of the more balanced Heart Gold/Soul Silver late-game, and patching-out unwanted glitches in the original game.
Pokemon Perfect Crystal (2020 Update) is a small fix for Superegz's hack that corrects a couple of fan complaints, see original page's reviews. The 2020 Update is a complete patch, just apply it to the original game and play.
2020 Update:
1. Encounter rates for newly-added non-legendary encounters have been increased from 1% to at least 5%. The author went as far as to think about how long a player might spend in the areas these Pokemon appear in and adjusted the encounter rate accordingly.
2. Red's Pokemon levels have been reverted from 100 back to the original levels from Pokemon Crystal. No more grinding for hours to beat the final boss.
3. Totodile and Squirtle have been moved from Whirl Island to earlier locations in the game. This makes it so that all three Johto starters can be caught early in the game, and all three Kanto starters can be caught by mid-game.
4. Tweaks were made to time of day encounters for some of the added encounters that seemed obvious(Omanyte and Kabuto appearing at different times of day for example).
Specifics of the 2020 Update: Girafarig encounter rate increased from 1% to 30% and made encounter-able any time of day (now matches Gold/Silver). Chikorita encounter rate increased from 1% to 10% Cyndaquil encounter rate increased from 1% to 40% Totodile moved from Whirl Island to Route 32 grass (early route near multiple bodies of water). Encounter rate increased from 1% to 20%. Time of encounter changed from morning to day. Bulbasaur encounter rate changed from 1% to 5% Charmander encounter rate changed from 1% to 10% Squirtle moved from Whirl Island to Union Cave B1F, land and surf. Encounter rate increased from 1% to 20% (40% if surfing). Time of encounter changed from night to morning/day. Omanyte time of encounter changed from night to morning/day. Kabuto encounter rate changed from 5% to 10%. Red's Pokemon levels changed from 100 to original levels (81, 73, 75, 77, 77, 77).

ROM / ISO Information:

  • Database match: Pokemon - Crystal Version (USA, Europe) (Rev A)
  • Database: No-Intro: Game Boy/Color (v. 20180815-131105)
  • File/ROM SHA-1: F2F52230B536214EF7C9924F483392993E226CFB
  • File/ROM CRC32: 3358E30A

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