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Pokemon Emerald - 386

Pokemon Emerald - 386
Hack of Pokémon: Emerald Version


Pokemon Emerald 386's main goal is to give players the opportunity to opportunity to meet and obtain at least one of every Pokemon available in generation 3 as naturally as possible, thereby completing the Pokedex without the need to connect to or interact with other games or events. This project DOES NOT try to increase/decrease difficulty; add modern mechanics; change lore; "fix" balancing "issues" with the original Emerald release; or include post-gen 3 pokemon, evolutions, items, etc.

On top of creating an environment in which to complete the Pokedex, the game also tries to compliment the expanded availability of Pokemon by giving players repeated access to ALL TMs, Move Tutors, and Evolution items.
Highlighted Features:
  • Original Special-Event Tickets & Map properly restored
  • Gen 1 and 2 Legendary Pokemon given appropriate events
  • ALL Legendary Pokemon have re-spawn safety (also including the Sudowoodo)
  • Trade-Evolutions achieved through a special NPC "trade-helper" (trade-evolve YOUR Pokemon and keep it!)
  • Fossil Regenerator expanded to include all fossil Pokemon
  • ALL TM's become available for re-purchase at certain points
  • One-Time Move Tutors can be reset for continual access
  • Missing Decorations added
Other Bonus Stuff:
  • The missing Zigzagoon from the cable-car scene restored to intended chances of appearing!
  • Deoxys learned move-set expanded to include all version exclusive moves from FR/LG & R/S.
  • Some NPC Pokemon teams expanded to trigger Pokedex "seen" flags, allowing players to hunt newly-added wild Pokemon.
  • NPC's added to hint at new content like where in-game trades are located and what is on offer, or where they caught a certain Pokemon.
  • Ability to reset the RTC for players who have emulators which do not properly keep track of time when the hardware is powered off.
  • Some in-game rewards for things like fetch-quests, Hoenn Pokedex completion, story progression, etc. have been updated - Talk to everyone!
This is NOT intended to be a modern-version of Emerald! It is intended to be the Original Emerald… only completable as a solo player. Players looking for the old-school experience should be happy with what is on offer, and can find a more detailed account of changes in the readme. However, plenty of care has been taken so that all added wild pokemon are somehow hinted at or triggered in the Pokedex so players should not need the readme for added locations, and NO vanilla encounters have been removed.

ROM / ISO Information:

  • Database match: Pokemon - Emerald Version (USA, Europe)
  • Database: No-Intro: Game Boy Advance (v. 20210227-023848)
  • File/ROM SHA-1: F3AE088181BF583E55DAF962A92BB46F4F1D07B7
  • File/ROM CRC32: 1F1C08FB

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