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Pinkie Pie (Over Isabelle)

Pinkie Pie (Over Isabelle)
A Mod for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.


Pinkie Pie (Over Isabelle) Pinkie Pie (Over Isabelle) Pinkie Pie (Over Isabelle) Pinkie Pie (Over Isabelle) Pinkie Pie (Over Isabelle) Pinkie Pie (Over Isabelle) Pinkie Pie (Over Isabelle) Pinkie Pie (Over Isabelle)

this will be smash ultimate in 2013

Saw a figure of Pinkie Pie a while back and thought "that could be used for a smash mod over Isabelle" so I took a model I made for a sm64 mod and tweaked it a bit and loosely based it off of the "Cutie Mark Crew" line of MLP merch.

I have like 0 experience of modding this game so this was my first mod, not perfect but I think it came out alright.

Includes 8 costumes and ui and has expressions, and should be Wi-Fi Safe (I played a few matches online and all seemed to work well)

I might come back to this and give each costume it's own original model (and maybe add in custom text but idk how to do that as of now and i'm super tired)
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