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Ogre Battle Army Balancing Mod

Ogre Battle Army Balancing Mod
Hack of Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen


This mod makes the previously undervalued units useful and adds a new class to the witch line which she can promote to at level 15 then she can use an undead ring to become a sorceress. The mage now promotes with an undead staff. Many attacks have been changed to make the game more enjoyable. Vampyre now uses an evil ring attack, the top dragons have three area of effects from the back row, the Cockatris keeps the Gryphon's gale and has the petrify up front. All top level beasts now have 4 front row attacks and their resistances have been increased. Giants and Golems now have a normal chain of promotion just like the other characters. Evil ones, Muses, Beast Masters, Dragoners, Dragon Masters and Tigermen all get an extra attack up front. All four lords have been improved. Generals and Dragoons have 3 back row attacks because they are g d heros man. The only reduction is to the Lich which has 2 for balance, he is still the most powerful character in game. The goal is to make any character good enough to be valuable at the end of the game. I tried not to adjust too many stats or change anything unnecessarily but only to improve the characters in need. Included is a reference guide with all the important stats.


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