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Mother: 25th Anniversary Edition

Mother: 25th Anniversary Edition
Hack of EarthBound Beginnings


Mother: 25th Anniversary Edition aims to make Mother much more enjoyable for both Earthbound fans and those playing it for the first time.
All enemy graphics, NPC sprites and tiles are be redrawn from scratch to be more faithful to the clay models. The goofy enemies are goofier and the creepy enemies are creepier. A shiny new font and title screen was added, too!
The overworld has been tweaked to be much less bleak and repetitive, so it's harder to get lost. There is more scenery, areas are more colorful and confusing areas like Duncan's factory have been simplified. On the other hand, tiny areas like the Cemetery or Snowman have been expanded.
There are also a lot of changes under the hood. Enemies will yield slightly more exp and the encounter rate has been readjusted. The "Dangerous Foe" battle theme is used less often and party members will be met at a higher level. DragonDePlatino's goal in creating this hack was to make Mother less challenging, but still quite difficult.
And last but not least, this hack uses Tomato's official Mother 1 + 2 translation, adapted for the NES. Over 1400 lines of text have been altered to create connections with the rest of the series, improve clarity and shorten reading time. This hack will also feature much quicker battle text courtesy of vince94. Battles progress almost twice as quickly!


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