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Monster World IV

Monster World IV
English Translation

Game Description:

Monster World IV is an action platformer for the Sega Genesis.

Translation Description:

Antiriad from DeJap contributed to this translation, you can see DeJap's site for it here.
What do you all think of when you think of Sega games? That's right, you think of Wonderboy, because the Wonderboy games kick ass. All of them. Even Wonderboy in Monsterland. And Monster World 4 is no different.

Some people have told me that Wonderboy and Monster World are two completely different series, but they sure as hell play the same to me, so nyah. Anyway you play a cute girl with green hair, and you walk around and kill stuff. It RULES. And it's really really pretty, especially for such a crap system as the Genesis. Or the Mega Drive, whatever. It just rules, dammit. Go play. Enjoy. Hit Up to talk to people. Use the crystal DIRECTLY in front of the statue. And thank Demi for this kickass translation, which is now free of bugs. No more goddamn flickering. Kickass? Yaya.

ROM / ISO Information:

  • Monster World IV (J) [!].gen
  • Coumtry: Japan
  • CRC32: 36A3AAA4
  • MD5: 4BBDAE4E 4C1E0AE2 DE3C49DC 34F61D5C
  • SHA1: 46BA5E87 75A2223F E5056F54 555D9CAA 7D04F4E1

RHDN Translation Image RHDN Translation Image RHDN Translation Image RHDN Translation Image
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