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modify a skilldata.uexp as a temporary measure

modify a skilldata.uexp as a temporary measure
A Tutorial for Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance.


modify a skilldata.uexp as a temporary measure modify a skilldata.uexp as a temporary measure modify a skilldata.uexp as a temporary measure modify a skilldata.uexp as a temporary measure modify a skilldata.uexp as a temporary measure

If you can't wait for the smtv editor to be updated, it's a temporary option.
I don't recommend it because it's very inefficient to extract skill lists (I only have a list in my native language) and find flags manually.
There are various ways to extract a skill list, but I checked with skillname.uasset and skillhelpmass.uasset in fmodel.
It's been so long since I've had smtv modding, so there aren't many flags I know of
I use hex editor such as hxd or 010 editor.
Please understand that I live in a Non-English speaking countries, so there may be a lot of wrong sentense.

The starting point is 0x85, and the offset of the active skill is 0xc4.
This means that one skill has 0xc4 bytes of data.
It was C0 in the original, but 4 bytes were added after 0xA0.
I haven't figured out what kind of role the 4 bytes is.

Anyway, The first skill, agi, starts at 0x85+0xc4*0=0x85, and the eighth skill, Trisagion, is 0x85+0xc4*7=0x5e1.
This is applied up to no.400(NOT USED: SKILL_NAME_ID_400), and since 401 is a passive skill, the location and size change slightly.
The starting point is 0x132d5 and the offset is 0x6c.
After that, it is the area of passive skills up to no.800(NOT USED: SKILL_NAME_SKILL_ID_800) and from 801, it skipped to 0x1E305 to list active skills (offset is the same as 0xc4)
Now you can calculate the starting address for all skills using Excel etc. The picture is part of the table I made.

Now that we know where all the skills start, we just need to find the flag and change it
The pierce flag is at 0x46 from the skill's starting point.
Applying this value to 1, the pierce is applied.
The starting address of trisagion, 0x5e1, plus the offset of this flag, 0x46 -> 0x627, is the pierce flag of trisagion.
I will list the features and offsets of the flag in this way.
There are also flags with 2 bytes or more, and in this case, it reads as little endian, so if it's 0x450, it must be written in "50 04". Search for little endian for more information
0x00~0x01, 2 bytes, skillID
0x08~0x09, 2 bytes, mp cost
0x0a, 1 byte, skill type?
00 : based on str, 01 : based on mag, 02 : Ailments, 03 : heal, 04 : support, 07 : Revival Chant, 0D : based on level
0x0c, 1 byte, elements?
00 : phys, 01 : fire, 02 : ice, 03 : elec, 04 : force, 05 : light, 06 : dark, 07 : almighty, 08 : poison, 0a : ...
0x22, 1 byte, target
00 : single foe, 01 : all enemies, 02 : 1 ally, 03 : all allies, 04 : only myself, 06 : random foe(like die for me)
0x24, 1 byte, min hit
0x25, 1 byte, max hit
The picture shows Die For Me! of changing the target value to 01 and the min hit value to 6.
0x28~0x2B, 4 bytes, power?
I don't know the calculation formula, so I can't know for sure, but it is a value that represents the power. Just because this value is twice as different, the damage won't be twice as different.
0x34, 1 byte, accuracy
0x46, 1 byte(maybe), pierce

You can find out more by using smtv editor to compare the results with original's skilldata.uexp
I've only found this many flags, but smtv editor has found more types of flags and has a lot of passive skill flags as well.

Especially since smt5v are a lot of passive skills with various triggers, features, I think it'll be pretty fun.

There are two ways to apply this modified table, but I don't know how to pack the pak, so I tested it using unreal essential with reloaded2. It's comfortable to test the revised results right away.
How to create the mod is written here, and you can put the modified file here
I missed the "Skill" folder and worked hard in vain
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